Sunday, 5 June 2022

Global Health Project - Pharmacovigilance for patients and informal practitioners

Project title: Global Health Project - Pharmacovigilance for patients and informal practitioners.

Aim: Free and open access to patient education material on commonly used drugs by patients to self medicate or given by informal healthcare practitioners.


1) In the CBBLE ecosystem identify harmful practices (self-medication and informal practitioner-led) with reference to the case log link, document the patient journey, and follow up on the case. 

2) Critically appraise the evidence around the drug for the condition it was given for the case and document it along with info on benefits and harm.

3) In an easily understandable way (English and other regional languages possible) write educational content for the patients and informal practitioners.

4) (Optional) Explore the history/origin (global/local knowledge and belief) around the practice.

Outcome: An archive of educational resources translated into various regional languages by crowdsourcing medicos for creation and translation. (only KIMS college for now)

Team (Researchers):






Deidentification -

List of completed articles (outcomes) - 

Friday, 8 April 2022

integrative medicine case 3

 Age – 32

Sex – Male

Height –

Weight –


Patient expectations/goals –

case details - The patient is pre-diabetic. Fasting blood sugar and pp was between 200 / 110 and last time it was 145/ 100. Now after 4 months it was measured as 276/139.

Case 3 pre dinner 117mg/dl ate rice.

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

integrative medicine case 2

  Age – 70

Sex – Female

Height –

Weight –


Patient expectations/goals –

Case details –


8 - April - 2022
Pdcc fasting 280 breakfast jonna rotte

lunch doddu ravva gadka pre lunch blood sugar 340 mg

pre dinner 300 dinner jonna rotte

Integrative medicine case 1

Age – 36

Sex – Male

Height –

Weight –


Patient expectations/goals –

Case details –

Ragi jawaa (5-4-2020) dinner

8 am ( 6-4-2022)

lunch (6-4-2022)

dinner (6-4-2022)

7 April 2022
FBS 200 Morning breakfast image

 lunch  (a plate of curd rice)
Post lunch blood sugar 300

pdcc 7/4/2022 pre dinner 250 Image 1

pdcc dinner 2nd image post dinner and after dinner with Glimeperide 4mg post prandial was 150 mg and today's fasting is 200 mg per dl

8 April 2022

PDCC breakfast jonna rotte fasting 200 on Glimeperide 4 mg twice daily

lunch jonna rotte pre lunch sugar 220

pre dinner blood glucose 184 dinner jonna rottae


Lunch with pre lunch blood sugar 400

PDCC pre dinner Grbs 389, Raagi jaavaa

10 April 2022
 pre breakfast 233

pre meal GRBS 273 ate rice.

And 2 hour post meal was 345

 pre dinner grbs 250 mg/dl
Post dinner 176 mg/dl

11 Apr 2022
Case 1 pre breakfast grbs 213

Post breakfast was 183
Lunch jonna gadka Case 1 

Post prandial was 192

PDCC case 1 pre dinner grbs 128mg/dl
Post dinner GRBS 171 mg/dl

Case 1 grbs 154 md/dl (11.29pm)
Overnight grbs please. Hope there was no Somogyi effect. All the readings should be well below 160 I believe

GRBS :- 
3am = 127

soaked fenugreek water in the morning

"Findings showed that FBS, TG and VLDL-C decreased significantly (25 %, 30 % and 30.6 % respectively) after taking fenugreek seed soaked in hot water whereas there were no significantly changes in lab parameters in cases consumed it mixed with yoghurt."

Case 1 yesterday night after morning trigonella

12 april 2022

13 April 2022

pre breakfast Grbs 148 mg/dl case 1
Case 1 post breakfast 278 mg/dl

Pre dinner 187

14 apr 2022
Case 1 PDCC pre breakfast 205 mg/dl
Case 1 local nkp breakfast FBS 197 On Glimeperide 4 mg twice daily

PDCC case 1 prelunch grbs 161
Post lunch 202 mg/dl

PDCC Case 1 pre dinner 152 mg/dl. 2 Jonna rotte
Case 1 PDCC Post dinner GRBS 173

15 April 2022
Case 1 PDCC pre breakfast 225 had 3 idli
Post breakfast 358

Pre lunch grbs 215
Post lunch grbs 296

Case 1 PDCC Pre dinner 132 mg/dl
Post dinner 232

"Today he attended a meditation session and he will continue to do so which might reduce his cortisol and adrenaline levels but i think the lifestyle change impact will not be immediate i believe sir. But we need to give the body atleast 2 to 3 months for the results to show up"

16 apr 2022
Pre breakfast grbs  196, jonna rotte


Case 1 inpatient ward: Lunch jonna rotte
Pre lunch was 113
His post lunch is 300

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Case based learning - 2

 27/02/22, 6:28 pm - Avinash Kumar Gupta: K/C/O CAD (coronary artery disease) means heart failure or something else?

I don't understand that If it's atherosclerosis then how it's known (symptoms+sign)
27/02/22, 6:41 pm - Avinash Kumar Gupta:
27/02/22, 7:12 pm - Avinash Kumar Gupta: 2 kidney disease patients having ascites.. I was thinking it happens only in liver failure.. Read this article on Nephrogenic ascites;year=2015;volume=26;issue=4;spage=773;epage=777;aulast=Nayak-Rao 

So the causes for ascitis are - hepatic, cardiac, malignant, infective and renal

@919652955915 please let me know..
27/02/22, 7:20 pm - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Peritoneovenous shunt
27/02/22, 7:25 pm - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Tipss
27/02/22, 7:29 pm - Dr. Rakesh Biswas sir: Will explain
27/02/22, 7:33 pm - Dr. Rakesh Biswas sir: Two of our PG thesis projects. πŸ‘

We have many such patients so much so that Saptarshi will tell you how much important the D ward is in terms of mbbs clinical learning. 

Thanks sir, understood CAD from here -

I need to revisit the last section on Revascularization to understand it and latest updates.

CBBLE Cases by Speciality


Alcohol withdrawal syndrome



Nephro Medicine -

CKD - ​​


Rheumatology -

Case based learning - 1

 27/02/22, 12:30 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: valporate may not be of any use in this case as i read in updates, need to check for it to confirm.

Possibility - chronic alcoholic -> vitamin deficient -> withdrawal symptoms + diarrhea + fever + excessive diaphoresis -> shock

So probably not a case of septic shock. Above hypothesis based on 1) no microbiology test results given 2) two case reports one having diarrhea and hence shock in malnourished alcoholic withdrawl case and another having shock just because of fever and excessive diaphoresis

27/02/22, 12:33 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Importance of echo in case of shock!po=3.62319

27/02/22, 12:34 am - You added Saptarshi Bmj Electives

27/02/22, 12:35 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta:

Erythropoetin may not be of any use here. A blog on critical appraisal of erythropoetin in ckd may be good (though we had done earlier but it's not documented).. 

I will try for it in coming days.

27/02/22, 12:44 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta:

27/02/22, 1:28 am - aditya sir: All of these symptoms suggest Cholinergic / Parasympathetic excess?

27/02/22, 1:30 am - aditya sir: Should be very useful. Adding much value to our teaching programme

27/02/22, 1:31 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Yes, (just checked list of Cholinergic symptoms to revise)

Matching to that but not happening all together

27/02/22, 1:31 am - aditya sir: Remember reading AWS and associated Cholinergic excess. Can you verify please?

27/02/22, 1:33 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Thanks for sharing this! Interesting work going on.. 

Completed archiving all blogs-

Total count is 1939 cases.. Some may be repeats.

Bmj case reports.. 

The case mirror doesn't have full discussion and journey of patient but its still great because shows the history and examination very beautifully (best ever) and hence ignite thoughts, exploration and good *explorative* SDL (self directed learning)

27/02/22, 1:33 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: <Media omitted>

27/02/22, 1:34 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: I have started exploring one by one. 

Studied 1 case today

- alcohol withdrawl syndrome

Studied from 

- case link

- (had seen a case in ward for a few moments with some discussion from Prof. ) 

- psych. Book

- harrison

- echo case discussion (YouTube) 

- grand rounds (YouTube) 

- A video specifically on management. 

Took alot of time but it was good experience. 

Key value addition came from -

1) starting with a case link 2) having seen a case 3) one read from any course book 4) Any good quality video (out of thousands) discussing management.

27/02/22, 1:36 am - aditya sir: Wow wow!! We must publish our reflections in Student BMJ!!

27/02/22, 1:36 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: 🀟🏻

27/02/22, 1:36 am - aditya sir: I hope you will. Will definitely assist you and add inputs if u can.

27/02/22, 1:36 am - aditya sir: I*

27/02/22, 1:37 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: πŸ™

I plan to discuss here and then move to the topics to global group, hopefully we will have great interaction with some significant documentation tooπŸ™

27/02/22, 1:38 am - aditya sir: Amazing work Avinash. I will surely take some time out and go through your links. Any separate section for rheumatology?

27/02/22, 1:38 am - aditya sir: Yes. You will have my support

27/02/22, 1:39 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: <Media omitted>

27/02/22, 1:39 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: 🀟🏻

27/02/22, 1:41 am - aditya sir: Thanks. I will try to go through these and subject them to our Quality Improvement programme designed here

27/02/22, 1:41 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Alcohol affects GABA (opposite of ach) , probably excess ach like effect is by mechanism via GABA

27/02/22, 1:42 am - aditya sir: I also think benzos may have a role.

27/02/22, 1:47 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: <Media omitted>

27/02/22, 1:48 am - aditya sir: A peer reviewed study would be better I suppose.

27/02/22, 1:48 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: <Media omitted>

27/02/22, 1:56 am - aditya sir:

AKI NASH could be a common entity we may miss often

27/02/22, 1:57 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: From the 2nd article - diaphoresis and fever

"Mechanisms underlying these conditions involve a state of central nervous system arousal and increased adrenergic activity due to high NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) level and low GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) activity during alcohol withdrawal [5], for which the symptoms also include diaphoresis, hyperthermia, tremor, nausea, hallucinations or illusions, psychomotor agitation, insomnia, and anxiety [3]. In particular, both diaphoresis and fever increase the water intake requirement [6–8], which, in some cases, might lead to hypovolemia and its medical consequences [9]."

27/02/22, 1:58 am - aditya sir: Ah excellent!

27/02/22, 1:58 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Thanks!!

27/02/22, 2:00 am - aditya sir: But what explains the diarrhea?

27/02/22, 2:02 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: From article 1 (paper from year 2021) 

"There is a lack of systematic studies on the pathophysiology of alcohol abuse; thus, the mechanism underlying diarrhea during alcohol withdrawal is still not well understood. Because alcoholics are already at higher risk for diarrhea owing to malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, and impaired gastrointestinal function, careful monitoring of defecation is necessary, even during hospitalization."

27/02/22, 2:05 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Not finding any other good explanation.

27/02/22, 2:07 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Found full form - NASH  = Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

27/02/22, 2:10 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Hepato renal syndrom -!po=19.2308

27/02/22, 2:21 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta:


ESA resulted in a small reduction in the proportion of patients transfused and a trivial increase in haemoglobin concentration, both of questionable clinical relevance, without impacting adverse events or mortality. These results do not support the routine use of ESA to treat anaemia in critically ill adults."

It's for icu patients. Ckd patients on Dialysis are also similarly critically ill or not critically ill? I guess they are not. So, Useful info but should be better to look for more specific evidence too, in ckd context.

27/02/22, 2:23 am - Avinash Kumar Gupta: Interesting

"A new class of drugs, prolyl hydroxylase domain (PHD) inhibitors (PHD inhibitors) is becoming available for the treatment of anemia in CKD patients. Theoretically, these agents have a number of advantages, the main ones being that of stimulating the synthesis of endogenous erythropoietin and increasing iron availability. The impact of their future use in clinical practice is still to be defined. Another possible strategy could be targeting serum hepcidin and its related pathways. This possibility is fascinating from the scientific point of view, but at present its development phase is still far from clinical application."

27/02/22, 8:07 am - Dr. Rakesh Biswas sir: Will be looking forward to it πŸ‘

27/02/22, 9:22 am - Dr. Rakesh Biswas sir:

The association between recombinant human erythropoeitin and qualify of life and excercise capacity of patients receiving hemodialysis

A double blind, randomised, placebo controlled study.

Patients- 118 Patients receiving 


Interventions- 40 patients were randomised to receive erythropoeitin to achieve a haemoglobin concentration of 95-110g/l or 38 patients received erythropoietin to achieve a haemoglobin concentration of 115-130g/l.

Results-The mean haemoglobin concentration at six months was 74(12)g/l in patients given placebo, 102(10)g/l in those in the low erythropoietin group, and 117(17)g/l in those in the high erythropoietin group. Compared with the placebo group, patients treated with erythropoietin had a significant improvement in their scores for fatigue , physical symptoms, relationships, and depression on the kidney disease questionnaire and in the global and physical scores on the sickness impact profile.The distance walked in the stress test increased in the group treated with erythropoietin, but there was no improvement in the six minute walk test ,psychosocial scores on the sickness impact profile, or there was no significant difference in the improvement in quality of life or exercise capacity between the two groups taking erythropoietin. Patients taking erythropoietin had a significantly increased diastolic blood pressure despite an increase in either the dose or number of antihypertensive drugs used.Eleven of 78 patients treated with erythropoietin had their sites of access clotted compared with only one of 40 patients given placebo.

27/02/22, 2:58 pm - aditya sir: Correction of anemia by any means in critically I'll patients hasn't shown any benefit for hard outcomes, let alone for ESA.

27/02/22, 3:01 pm - aditya sir: Touch and go this. May need some heuristical thinking too before making a decision.

27/02/22, 3:01 pm - aditya sir: All is well and good sir but do the same data apply to generic ESAs too. I don't think so.

That's a whole different ball game.