Tuesday 26 December 2017

Diabetic's Data Visualization & Queries -1

This is a HIPAA de-identified open-online-patient-record with initial information in patient's voice, posted here december 2016 after collecting informed patient consent (form downloadable here) by BMJ Elective Student.

History :- https://bmjcaselogvivek.blogspot.in/2017/11/23-years-old-women-with-diabetes-and.html?m=1


+91 91406 54820:-  3 straight lines = 90 , 100 & 130 for reference to Normal FBS and normal PPBS
+91 91406 54820: moving trend lines to show average update of blood glucose level.
+91 91406 54820: lowest - 51 near fatal?
 +91 91406 54820: taking proper insulin + medicine and diet control but blood sugar level (graphs) rarely in normal range
+91 91406 54820: aren't medicine/insulin+drugs intervention expected to keep blood glucose levels withing normal range?
 +91 91406 54820: are they failing here?
 +91 91406 54820: 5, 7, 15, 23, 30 a patter shown that around gap of 1 week her ppbs2 going very high. is she taking sweets / high sugar after avoiding/controling few days. ( sweets are addictive )
+91 91406 54820: FBS , PPBS, PPBS2 are so much out of normal range but PPBS1 is so close always. any insights about this?

+91 91406 54820: same data from JAN 2016.
+91 91406 54820: is it a better visualization (clinical significance) of varying blood glucose levels?
+91 91406 54820: showing better way, how far patient is from normal and for how much duration in a month.
+91 91406 54820: need to find an algorithm or design a custom one to do some mathematics on this. will update about that in someday late.

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