Monday 6 May 2019

65F with colon carcinoma and peritoneal metastasis


This is a HIPAA de-identified open-online-patient-record with initial information in patient's voice, posted here december 2016 after collecting informed patient consent (form downloadable here) by BMJ Elective Student.

A 65 year old female patient from _____ came with the chief complaints of pain in the abdomen since 2 months and abdominal distension since 10 days.

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months back and then developed abdominal pain which was insidious in onset gradually progressive in the epigastric and left hypochondrium region.It was dragging type of pain aggravated on eating food and relieved on taking medications( medication as suggested by the RMP). The patient developed abdominal distension 10 days back. On 2 weeks back, she was taken to the _______ hospital for treatment of pain where an x ray was taken and was referred to ____ _______as a mass was found in the intestines( no documentation found with the patient and thier attenders) she was admitted to the AMC on same day. The patient has no history of vomitings, loose motions, constipation,burning micturition, and decreased urinary output.

The patient is a known case of asthma ( diagnosed in a hospital in ______)since 1 year not a known case of diabetes hypertension other cardiovascular and respiratory problems. She had undergone tubectomy 30 years back. The patient has a. Mixed died reduced appetite bowels and bladder were regular sleep is adequate and she has no addictions.
There is no significant family history. She attained menarche at 13 years she had regular cycles with no clots and no pain and attained menopause 24 years back. There is no history of usage of OC pills and no fertility treatment. Obstetric history:P5L4D11. πŸ§‘πŸ» 54 year old2.πŸ‘±‍♀43 year old 3.πŸ‘±‍♀40 year old 4. πŸ§‘πŸ»death at birth ( reason not known to the patient) 5.πŸ§‘πŸ»38year old

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