Friday 27 March 2020

Telemed-all care

Group to plan and operationalize the training of 5,00,000 doctors to use GOI’s Telemedicine Practice Guidelines correctly and efficiently within a month from March 26, 2020 (Commence on April 1, 2020 and complete basic training by April 30, 2020 at the latest)

The scope:
We are talking of training doctors to do the three things.
We have to plan and coordinate the creation and implementation of an online training program to train 5,00,000 doctors in 30 days starting April 1, 2020 who at the end of it should be able to do three things:
(i) proper use of the telemedicine practice guidelines issued by MCI
(ii) doing proper triage of ALL types of telemedicine patients (not just suspected Covid 19), and
(iii) then these trained doctors be able to take care of ALL patients, (not just Covid 19 suspects) including medical advice and prescribing permitted medicines to all those who are not referred to a health facility for an in-person consultation.

Below is convo from one of the focus groups.

group invite link to join -

[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: Which module would you and your students like to focus on? Module 2 or Module 3?
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: (i) proper use of the telemedicine practice guidelines issued by MCI (ii) doing proper triage of ALL types of telemedicine patients (not just suspected Covid 19), and
(iii) then these trained doctors be able to take care of ALL patients, (not just Covid 19 suspects) including medical advice and prescribing permitted medicines to all those who are not referred to a health facility for an in-person consultation.
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: iii) ALL
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: Great. Please create a separate group for it and invite anyone you want from this or any other group or place.
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: What does point 3 exactly entail ?
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: Training on Point (i) is the simplest (and yet not simple), and progressively becomes challenging under point (ii) and (iii) where further referral and consultation becomes necessary. Better ability to triage reduces load on point (iii)
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: Sharing the keywords from each group

i) Inform

ii) Triage

iii) Care
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir:   -> Point (iii)

...then these trained doctors be able to take care of ALL patients, (not just Covid 19 suspects) including medical advice and prescribing permitted medicines to all those who are not referred to a health facility for an in-person consultation.
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: In creating the Scope or Terms of Reference of Sub-Groups (i), (ii) and (iii) keep in mind the following: 1. Learning Outcomes 2. Curriculum 3. Structured modular lesson contents linked to each module and submodule: Text, PPT, Training videos, etc 4. Validation and verification of learning contents 5. Create MCQs fir formative self-assessment of each submodules within each module 6. Tracking training progression, 7. Summative Assessment through MCQs 8. Online certificate issued if 90% questions answered correctly, after unlimited attempts.
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] Avinash Kumar: good noon @sridhar sir sir
[1:28 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Good afternoon.
[1:29 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Kindly let me know what is the purpose of the group
[1:30 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: 👆purpose trail
[1:30 pm, 27/03/2020] Avinash Kumar: sir above msgs are coming from telemed group where you joined. this group is focused for above points. and telemedicine group is focused for this overall.. (sharing below)
[1:30 pm, 27/03/2020] Avinash Kumar: The scope:
We are talking of training doctors to do the three things.
We have to plan and coordinate the creation and implementation of an online training program to train 5,00,000 doctors in 30 days starting April 1, 2020 who at the end of it should be able to do three things:
(i) proper use of the telemedicine practice guidelines issued by MCI
(ii) doing proper triage of ALL types of telemedicine patients (not just suspected Covid 19), and
(iii) then these trained doctors be able to take care of ALL patients, (not just Covid 19 suspects) including medical advice and prescribing permitted medicines to all those who are not referred to a health facility for an in-person consultation.
[1:32 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Course content and Delivery of content are 2 aspects .
[1:33 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: The points listed have to be put under these sub headings
[1:34 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: PPTS,Articles,MCQs are all content.
[1:35 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: I have some knowledge of the delivery aspect as I run an E-Learning company.
[1:36 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: Our content delivery is also related to real patient care delivery
[1:37 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Let me put it this way. The content delivery tools , such as Moodle  are just tools. They will deliver whatever we add there. Patient care, Telemed, ENT whatever.
[1:37 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: The intent is to tech Telemed to doctors
[1:37 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: teach
[1:38 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: Our intent is care and then support the information framework necessary for doctors to deliver current best care
[1:41 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Can i say specifically that you want to teach Telemedicine using E-Learning tools?
[1:43 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: No we want to involve doctors in learning medicine using tools that have been sometimes acknowledged to belong to Telemedicine
[1:45 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Sorry, still a bit confused. So, its going to be about Telemedicine tools plus other techniques to learn healthcare .
[1:45 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Anyway, the first thing to deal with it how the course material would be structred
[1:46 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Structure, outcomes, how to asesss.
[1:46 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: e.g PPT of content, followed by MCQs.
[1:46 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Or Video followed by MCQs
[1:48 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: Many tools and techniques are available. Once a teacher can state what is the intention of a course, how the content can be presented can be discussed.
[1:49 pm, 27/03/2020] sridhar sir: One thought, start with a free Moodle and create something. It could be a prototype and other can comment. Else this will be a never ending theortical discussion
You added Tamoghana sir
[2:06 pm, 27/03/2020] RB Sir: We already have lot of our own published information about our proposed workflow that we have shared in the past
[2:06 pm, 27/03/2020] Tamoghana sir: Hi. Since am new to the group, what is this group all about

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