Tuesday 27 April 2021

CBBLE in Pandemic

CBBLE - Case Based Blended Ecosystem - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6163835/

200 students from Final MBBS Part-2 , joined online learning session via WhatsApp for learning medicine and improving their problem-solving skills under the guidance of medicine professor Dr Rakesh Biswas at KIMS, Narketpally.

One of the elective student's (Avinash Kumar Gupta) case record of a complex patient was chosen to be shared and every student had to go through the case record, understand the details, learn around them for the patient's benefit and share their inputs as well as online e-log books.  The patient being an active learner and partner in her care was updated about the activity and she felt happy about being able to make an impact.

case - https://classworkdecjan.blogspot.com/2019/05/42-f-with-severe-regular-edema-with_17.html

Student's e-log books - https://detailedclinicalanalysis.blogspot.com/2020/05/online-learning-individual-patient-data.html 

sharing a few snippets from e-log books - 

1) https://vasishta175.blogspot.com/2020/05/patient-clinical-data-analysis.html 

Advice: Advanced  Diagnostic modality like Whole genome sequencing must be done.


  • She was diagnosed with hemolytic anemia but none of lab reports showed signs of hemolysis.
  • Rapid fluctuations in her weight . Why is she swelling up on eating. ?
  • Swelling which she has been complaining has not been explained properly. was is a kind of pitting or nonpitting type or is associated with any kind of rash 
  • Her urge to salt intake inspite of her anhydrosis and decreased urination. Where is all her salt going if she is not sweating and urinating. There should be some sort of hypernatriemia. and why is it not happening.

2)  https://venumadhav171.blogspot.com/2020/05/case-of-42-yr-old-female-with-multiple.html

    • Proper family history is not provided to relate her genetical prblems with the consanguinty of their parents marriage.
    • Swelling which she has been complaining has not been explained properly. was is a kind of pitting or nonpitting type or is associated with any kind of rash etc.

S - Strength - Its useful to do blended learning both offline and online, and as being asynchronous and in a network it helps to apply system 2 thinking in better way and engage together in learning from each other.

W - Weakness - Evaluation framework may not be easy and should be done based on student's effort, contribution and learning ouctomes.

O - Opportunities - Pandemic scenario is an opportunity to deliver better medical education without risking the lives of mentors and mentees.

T - Threats -  misconception of it being as good as bedside learning will be extremely wrong. Its a way to empower bedside learning to make an even better system, as well as an alternative in the pandemic scenario. 

Students submitted their e-log book links for evaluation.

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