Saturday 31 July 2021

Trading and Medicine analogy (complexity, uncertainity, technology) - part 4

Avoiding complexity - they are paralyzing to navigate through, and even the little data available is highly fragmented and conclusions based on that are not very reliable. Exploring complexity is surely fun and helps figure out imprecision in various day to day used techniques but it doesn't help significantly & neither frequently to get more precision. So avoiding complexity itself is a way to stay more correct generally and so the concepts of Commons are common in medicine and the insight is that they are not as bad as considered because of lack of precision, rather they are best of what all we have.

Important to explore complexity to be better at decision making as it helps understand limitations of all tools and techniques available, and if explored frequently and data used to improve the indicators then surely there will be progress giving an edge. Complexity is not necessarily tough, mostly when exploring we will find something or other useful insight due to our limitations of knowledge absorbing and recall capacity, but it's also fact that it's easy to hit the dead end when we try to keep asking what/why/how...

Edge is the small incremental improvement but they can be of high help. For not missing those edges which are low hanging fruits, there should be curiosity/interest & training. 

Another benefit of complexity exploration is the tiny incremental gain in knowledge which helps acquire low hanging fruits/edges quickly and better to be a better decision maker. Like in investment /money, Knowledge will also grow similarly as the theory of compounding works. 

100 invested, 0.05% gained daily by knowledge gain by exploring complexity then in 20 years it will be 3843.96

If total knowledge learnt in 5 years of mbbs is 100% , then 100/ ( 5*365) = 0.05% daily.. 

But after mbbs we are more into experiential learning and less into didactic so even more impact per day in learning.. This high gain may not reflect in quantity of knowledge as no. Of pages read but will surely reflect in ability to perform better for healing the patient by the accumulation of edges by continued learning with curiosity/interest into complexity

This is totally hypothetical to explain the logic.

-> KISS but don't KISS too


image seems like concept of epidemiology


RB - When we reach a point of not getting answers to our research questions we have reached the edge or the fringes where new methods and insights are likely to be born. I like this new perspective on edge 👍

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